Day 6 of 40 Days of Prayer- Submit to be Renewed
Romans 12:1-2
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Submission to the will of God includes being willing and able to be made new. As Apostle Paul states in the devotional scripture reading for today, "Ye present your bodies a living sacrifice." This is a necessary ingredient and an obvious expectation that you must "reasonably" serve with your whole life. Everything you do must be about worship, glory and Praise to your God. Not only that but you must do it willingly, forsaking everything else. Have you submitted to being made new, or have you played tug a war with the Holy Spirit? Sometimes, we find ourselves in an internal war with the Holy Spirit and we refuse to give our selves Wholly to the will of God. Instead we choose to give pieces of our selves to the process of renewal and we choose to remain in control of our bodies. To be transformed we must submit to the process of being renewed through the word of God and a relationship with the Holy Spirit. We must, give our mind, body and soul over to be made over thaqt we may prove what is good, acceptable and perfect in Gods eyes. Aren't you tired of being tired because you have been following after the world, it's culture and principles? well this is your opportunity to really give into the leading of the Holy Spirit, the culture and principles of God and be acceptable in how you live, worship and serve Him. This is the time for your mind to be renewed in the ways of God so that you can live that abundant life that Christ died to give you. Prayer: Father you are Holy and you desire for me to be Holy and live a life of acceptable service unto you, not myself. Lord in the name of Jesus, forgive me for compartmentalizing my life and not given you full access, because I was comfortable walking in my double mindedness. I repent of trying to hold on to control, and fighting against your will for my life to be healed, whole and acceptable. Lord have your way and shape me, mold me and make me new in my mind, body, soul and spirit in Jesus mighty name amen. Apostle Michelle Allen |
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