Day 5 of 40 Days of Prayer-Submit to the Lords Ways!
Israel was the Lords beloved. He was their protection, blessing, provision and way maker. There was nothing he would not do for them, but they had begun to serve and worship others gods. They started trying to “keep up with the Joneses,” as we say. They allowed themselves to be tempted by what the other nations around them were doing, thinking and believing. This is why, light should not fellowship with darkness. If you are not strong enough you will be influenced by their culture and belief system. Israel forgot who they were. Got lost in the bright lights and sensuality of the flesh and before they knew it they began to stray away from the father. Have you ever been there? Get suck into relationships, because you are attracted to the excitement of possibilities and you start bending your morals, beliefs to please them? Look I’ve been there, and I never want to go back there again! That is a deep dark whole and it almost cost me my life. See just like Israel, we find ourselves swaying or straddling the fence in different areas of our life, and then we are as dumb sheep caught in a rut of our own lusts and desires. Inspite of your disobedience and rebellion, God has a plan for you anyway. Submission to God unlocks the fetters of bondage and the stronghold of disobedience but not until you have walked the valley for a season. See submission to God does not exempt us from going through test or enduring hardship, no. But it does guarantee us that God will deliver, once we repent. So, we find Israel in a place of bondage, destruction, chaos and suffering.
Much like our Nation and many others in the world they were under a devastating evil which was of their own making. Listen God can turn this nation around, but the church must be what and who he has called us to be. The church has found itself in a position much like Israel where instead of being an influence we are being influenced by the current culture and rhetoric of this nations government and we have taken on the image of men instead of the image of God. of that have turned away from God because of the influence of corruptible men. You however are the bride of Christ, the church. The seat of Gods Government upon the earth. You have to power of the Kingdom within you to change the course of the nation through repentance (for your sins and those of others) and your total submission to God.
See, as I read and meditated further in the scriptures I realized that there was still a people (Remnant)in the midst of those backslidden thousands, millions even, that had not bowed to the nature of man, but continued in faith and submission of the Lord God. Because of them, Israel was not totally consumed.
Don’t you understand as the remnant, of faithful, and obedient believers you are protected from destruction? When you are submitted to the will of God and don’t allow yourself to be influenced by outside powers, God will stay the enemies hand? It does not mean you won’t endure hardship as a good soldier, but if, through the storm and the rain you continue to stand on the word, “stand therefore with your feet shod in the preparation of the gospel of peace.”the Lord will deliver you and. Listen, the trial and the fire might touch you, but it won’t kill you, ask Job. Job found this out first hand. What has tested your yes? What came into your life that lead you through the valley season to see if you were strong enough to endure and still praise him, still worship him, still give him glory? Job had to endure the pain of losing almost every thing and everyone of value, that enriched his life, but he never lost his faith! Remnant arise and know that when you give God your yes, the enemy will come to prove it! “Did you really mean yes? Are your really Submitted? Let me test their “yes”!
You have the power through your “Yes”, your submission to God, to come out of the chaos and the destruction of the valley that was meant to kill you, with your life and fresh oil! God will allow the enemy to tempt you and test you for a season but even while your in the storm you can start praising the Lord and walking in your victory. Walk by faith and be fully persuaded, the Lord is turning his ear back towards you and he will deliver you in due season!!
Prayer: Father in the mighty name of Jesus, I know as your church that the world is looking to me as an example of you. That although they say they don’t believe, they want to believe and experience your light and love in the earth. The chaos in this world is not because of them but because of us as your church. Help me, help your bride to be all that you have called us to be inJesus mighty name amen.
Apostle Michelle Allen
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