Day 3 of 40 Days of Prayer- Submit to the Lord God!
Isaiah 66:2
"For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist," Says the LORD.
"But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word."
God our, Creator is the Master potter, Master architect, creator of all things living. Everything that exist is because it was in the mind of God before hand. Somethings created by him have been manipulated by the wickedness of the enemy which has influenced men's hearts but God still knew what would happen before it even did.
See nothing is able to take him by surprise! His plan was written with a thousand scenarios, which consist of his perfect will which was designed for you. Leaving room for your will that could be influenced by your environment, experiences and other influences. The father has always given us the way out of our own will and the influence of the wicked one, enabling us to repent of our own knowledge, thoughts, and desires and to line up with his. That we may be "Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish, Subdue and take Dominion."
The father looks upon those who are broken, humbled in spirit, who have repented and submitted to his will(perfect in all its ways) for their life. Those who he imparts willingly his wisdom, knowledge, revelation, Holy Spirit, Anointing and Vision in to manifest his plan for their lives in the earth. Those who are surrendered have the power to kill the carnal nature of the flesh which houses and is controlled by sin, He gives his supernatural power by the in dwelling and filling of Holy Spirit who coverts the Spirit of Man, making him able to resist the urges of the flesh and following the will of God by Faith through the Spirit.
Prayer: Holy and righteous Father, I repent for my disobedience to your ways and surrender in full submission to your will. Give me O Lord, Your Holy Spirit today that I may follow your leading and be filled with your strength and power to resist the wiles of the devil, my own sin nature and be lead by your perfect will according to Holy Spirit. Your plan for my life is perfect and so I submit now and forever to your Holy will today for you desire not that I would be destroyed but that I would prosper every area of my life, that I would know who I am and manifest the greatness of your power in the earth. I renounce my own wisdom, knowledge, understanding and I break ties with every negative influence and trauma of my past, every blood line and generational curse in my family and I humbly submit to your plan and purpose for my life! There is more to life than this and Lord I thank you for having me on your mind yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever that I may live in abundance the life you sacrificed to give me in Jesus mighty name Amen.
Apostle Michelle Allen
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